Membership Benefits

By affiliating to Badminton Ireland, members can enjoy a number of benefits: 

1. Odon Insurance - For more details, please refer to the following link:

2. Entering Tournaments - For 2021-2022 events, please refer to the follwoing link:

3. Teicnic Camps

4. Coaching Conference

5. Coaches Licence - For more information, please refer to the following link:

6. Reduced Prices on Coaching Course

7. Club Secure Email 

 - All Club Secretaries and Safeguarding Officer will be asked to use these email addresses permanently as all BI communications will be directed to them in order to ensure that the organisation, and its member organisations, are aligning with GDPR best practices. The secure email address is beneficial to your club as it will allow an easy and transparent handover between incoming/outgoing secretaries on a season-to-season basis.